%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-ProcSet %%Title: hyphenate - Knuth-Liang word division %%DocumentNeededResources: procset net.anastigmatix.MetaPre 0.1 9 %%+ net.anastigmatix.unicodedata CaseFoldingC+S 0.1 5 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset net.anastigmatix.Hyphenate 0.1 9 %%Version: 0.1 9 %%Copyright: Chapman Flack - www.anastigmatix.net %%Creator: makeHyphenate 1.9 using AFPL Ghostscript 8.51 (2005-04-18) %%CreationDate: Thu Sep 28 22:41:29 EDT 2006 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%VMlocation: global %%VMusage: 64444 63003 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog %%IncludeResource: procset net.anastigmatix.MetaPre 0.1 9 %%IncludeResource: net.anastigmatix.unicodedata CaseFoldingC+S 0.1 5 %%BeginResource: procset net.anastigmatix.Hyphenate 0.1 9 64444 63003 % VMusage measured in Adobe PostScript(r) 3010.108 on a Phaser 750 (PowerPC) % Usage after vmreclaim: 5397 % The procset dictionary has one procedure, hyphenator: % hyphenpattern inputcoding *hyphenator* dict % The resulting dict contains three variables, lefthyphenmin, righthyphenmin, % and uchyph (defaults 2, 3, and true, respectively), and two procs: % word *query* nums % nums is a string of length one less than word, indicating the desirability % of dividing between each pair of letters. Odd values indicate acceptable % divisions, even values unacceptable ones. The hyphenpattern and inputcoding % arguments to hyphenator specify the pattern set to use and the encoding % assumed for input words, and can only be changed by running hyphenator again % to generate a new hyphenator dict and procs, but the three variables in % a dictionary once created by hyphenator can be adjusted at any time. % { words... } *hyphenation* - % registers explicit hyphenation points for words..., for example, % { as-so-ciate present ta-ble } hyphenation % words can be added at any time; additions obey save and restore (unlike TeX). % Copyright Chapman Flack, www.anastigmatix.net. May be freely used and % distributed without modification provided this notice remains intact. % Provided in the hope that it will be useful but AS-IS WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS % OR IMPLIED WARRANTY AND WITHOUT REPRESENTATION AS TO ITS SUITABILITY FOR % ANY PURPOSE. %%BeginData: 70 ASCII Lines currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter cvx exec 05b?C/n&X+F*),/D..O#GV2^%FCA!dAM6l#Ddu^WFHY@@%>YLW23JCk@s)g4ASuU/@:O(eDJ+q /+EM+9E+*6lBl7Q:/ou)LAoD]uCi"HS"-QcB!/L]>=HZ@6"-QcB!/L`?=HZ@6"-QcL5DTE)=HY Y"! g6ZK5*BB2!KpQJWKKH.9S`e6=HYY""-QcL5*BB2!KpQJWKKH.9S`e6=HYn)!Jgc4"HllM@ Yb , L=H] Y>!K sF/L ]ilCL ]NZ@ L]N[< L]`fB L]NY>P"^Z7P$!MBM#WWn L ]`f BP" ^Z6 P$! l3 I?I -aFa]D_Ou" aDF)tr3 Ea`d #H\_ ]c5)9?)=H[-L!KsFA#h=H YY,@Yb)KWJCS<5*ATq"c3/@LPPqd!JglA=H[-?L]`fBL]NZ@P"UT2P!+/J"-QcB!KpQ@$BfXs5 )96&WKK5s!0U0*P!5%OI=%-"P!5%OP!5%OP!5$oI?ITYH]iN75)96&WJCV=)3STYP!4;@H]f&% !.C"qI?ITYP#ZpWOuS7%P$!lUH]f&%!.B3M"d2uD!0Uc;OqWfUI=$bSL]NZoP":a#I?ITYP#Zp d #Ei2 P30I a,#Ei 2PWJC k:s, r/#3 /@Qt@=+/[P')psP!5$nI=$bRP$!M@P,X9;M # W8 9P$ !l
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