%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-Category %%Title: net.anastigmatix.hyphenpattern - category of Knuth-Liang style patterns %%DocumentSuppliedResources: Category net.anastigmatix.hyphenpattern 0.1 6 %%Version: 0.1 6 %%Copyright: Chapman Flack - www.anastigmatix.net %%Creator: makeHyphenPattern 1.6 %%CreationDate: Sat Jun 18 23:08:21 EST 2005 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%VMlocation: global %%VMusage: 556 424 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog %%BeginResource: Category net.anastigmatix.hyphenpattern 0.1 6 556 424 % VMusage measured in Adobe PostScript(r) 3010.108 on a Phaser 750 (PowerPC) % Usage after vmreclaim: 484 % Copyright Chapman Flack, www.anastigmatix.net. May be freely used and % distributed without modification provided this notice remains intact. % Provided in the hope that it will be useful but AS-IS WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS % OR IMPLIED WARRANTY AND WITHOUT REPRESENTATION AS TO ITS SUITABILITY FOR % ANY PURPOSE. % Each HyphenPattern is a dictionary with these five elements: % Encoding name net.anastigmatix.encoding describing the % encoding of the characters in patterns % Boundary int The character value that appears in the % patterns to indicate word boundaries. % Unmapped int Character value to which all characters % not appearing in any pattern should map. % MinLength int length of the shortest pattern % MaxLength int longest % Patterns << name name >> 4z1z2 => << /zz (\004\001\002)cvn >> % Exceptions << name string >> only \000 and \001 on right-hand side. % the following allocations must be explicitly global: going into Category currentglobal true setglobal /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict copy /net.anastigmatix.hyphenpattern exch /Category defineresource pop setglobal %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%EOF