%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-Category %%Title: net.anastigmatix.filter - filters for the StreamIO extfilter facility %%DocumentSuppliedResources: Category net.anastigmatix.filter 0.1 7 %%DocumentNeededResources: procset net.anastigmatix.MetaPre 0.1 17 %%Version: 0.1 7 %%Copyright: Chapman Flack - www.anastigmatix.net %%Creator: makeFilter 1.7 using AFPL Ghostscript 8.51 (2005-04-18) %%CreationDate: Sat Oct 21 20:47:33 EDT 2006 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%VMlocation: global %%VMusage: 4931 3498 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog %%IncludeResource: procset net.anastigmatix.MetaPre 0.1 17 %%BeginResource: Category net.anastigmatix.filter 0.1 7 4931 3498 % VMusage measured in Adobe PostScript(r) 3010.108 on a Phaser 750 (PowerPC) % Usage after vmreclaim: 3149 % User-definable filters for use with net.anastigmatix.StreamIO's extfilter. % Predefined in this category: % SourceArrayDecode SourceQueueDecode TapDecode StringQueueEncode TeeEncode % % See http://www.anastigmatix.net/postscript/StreamIO.html on how to % define new filters. Please use inverted-domain naming (com.example...) % for non-Anastigmatix filters to be distributed in this category. % Copyright Chapman Flack, www.anastigmatix.net. May be freely used and % distributed without modification provided this notice remains intact. % Provided in the hope that it will be useful but AS-IS WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS % OR IMPLIED WARRANTY AND WITHOUT REPRESENTATION AS TO ITS SUITABILITY FOR % ANY PURPOSE. %%BeginData: 49 ASCII Lines currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter cvx exec 05b?C/n&X+F*),/D..O#GV3TBCij6/010/iAS5q%Gp%-=F)Q2A@qB_'@@:X_J3/@Tu99M8j!0U!<5CJ\)Ou"aDDK Tc3GA (E,D In'7H ]i N7F cpm1 Fbg ']=G Qs( P')q1NW=KjG _cEa=HYY" !g 7PdG_c KcEK YQpOq*X 20.q -b Ci!` qF DbZ7 F>#: " DKTc3GA(E,DI n'7OuSV6 L]im ?L]il )P"_ #p0 .pgTAT3 !Z5* C& O5*C &:Oq* X20.ps[B4ZFG! KpQ@!g63 >5CJ\ )Ou" aDGA_LF 4? P9 *hN W>5Z 0/ "qhE +O !8P ')pIL] ET2P!=AXAH\ _]c =GR$ A9. qqNB ldouP !>*oOuSI%P&2 j*/nK!5E-mBAP$!M@P"Us&P')pIL]ET2P!=AXL]`fBOuORs@q]F`CQdS2"-Q@u g$'G[ZG`k% B!Kp *9!/L]> =GR$7#)N;BLQXVM0.qH^@Xk E+O'Q 30Ig 8G V@<6O)B5M(!Bm;7BBl%m&Ef rU>6Xb(JB5_g9+Co%qBl7L&ATMd4Ear[DFY>@UB4Z1&AU&5%0/"qqF_kl !Kp* 3 !g3kQ f91 *9hgLX tOu"aDF)`of0.q ]ONW> 4u0.q?WEdNs/L]NZ3OuS6tP"Us&OuSI%P&5Q/5)99'98EV3=H^FIH]gRU3/@["97)HrP"Qp-Ci =B+Anc'mI=%-"I?ITYP#Zpn%[&V$/ou#VH[Co8NW>5*H]iN-!g63>V0t!M/ou#DP#Zo`0.q*nL]NZ3HQZg7Df]K%Bl%@/P"C'T0.q?XP#Zpne0/"qdB4Z1&AU&;M0.pdUAr$P;HS7$)CggsfFDbZ7F>#:"CiX-D!/Lc+P#[YOOp dFtOuS6uP"Uf8L]W`AL]WA:M#WWnOuS6tP"RG]/pCu;FDbZ7FHSkOFcpl#6tKkHA7^1P%[&V$; f?f!@qAM[AT_QPARfXhAUB46P#ri>@q]F`CQdR.0.q']ART,4EKW;;"Gm)@LG(u:AnGUp;e^Ph P"UsXL^&\8P)"htOpR9ZOuS6uN<,4"P&W-./obN8FDbZ7FHUX,15H$q$'G[ZG`k%B!Kp)/0.q* `F,0m\=GR#30.q*`F-8L90.qH^@)<[A7]7hA7]FcCiEs+P!=a)M#WWnOuP*o@;o1SEbAs*P"Urt+D51tARfM=f9 -9"hi^/V6Yp[^AQ3)YB4Z1@!g4Fa@!e&0I=%-"P')`aI?ITd"Hj(S$SOnZ@rGmhI?G)'1G;[KE bTE(;0?GmAOUKHDe*F+0/"r!EHd3@L]NZoOuP*]F_55sE`6[uAWf]L4tf9AF`);W!g4Fa@!e&0 I=%-"P'&E2/oGT;DKL;i=Df]Jh@<-!lFGL!])3S BSP"U4MP')q1N<"Bi= %$Id: anastigmatix-binwrite.gs,v 1.12 2006/10/11 03:22:00 chap Exp $ %%EndData %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%EOF