%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-Category %%Title: net.anastigmatix.encoding - category for sundry to/fromUnicode maps %%DocumentSuppliedResources: Category net.anastigmatix.encoding 0.1 12 %%Version: 0.1 12 %%Copyright: Chapman Flack - www.anastigmatix.net %%Creator: makeEncoding 1.12 using AFPL Ghostscript 851 %%CreationDate: 2009-12-05 00:24:16 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%VMlocation: global %%VMusage: 18200 16456 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog %%BeginResource: Category net.anastigmatix.encoding 0.1 12 18200 16456 % VMusage measured in Adobe PostScript(r) 3010.108 on a Phaser 750 (PowerPC) % Usage after vmreclaim: 13279 % Each net.anastigmatix.encoding is a dictionary with these entries: % % id: the encoding's canonical TR22 name % (abc...) *toUnicode* (bc...) (a) #a % (xyz...) #a *fromUnicode* (yz...) (a) % % where depending on the encoding, (a) may have length > 1, and x represents % the initial length-of-(a) bytes of the fromUnicode encoding buffer. % If either procedure signals /undefined (character not mapped in encoding), % the stack has had the operands consumed and nothing pushed. The offending % character is in the error. % In this category, the key for defineresource can be either a name or an % array of names; the first is the TR22 id, any others are aliases. findresource % uses the TR22 1.4 loose matching algorithm to find a matching id or alias. % Copyright Chapman Flack, www.anastigmatix.net. May be freely used and % distributed without modification provided this notice remains intact. % Provided in the hope that it will be useful but AS-IS WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS % OR IMPLIED WARRANTY AND WITHOUT REPRESENTATION AS TO ITS SUITABILITY FOR % ANY PURPOSE. %%BeginData: 82 ASCII Lines currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter cvx exec @s)g 4ASuU/@:O(eDJ+q0F(KH4@:O(eDJ+bOOu8C3 0.pdHAn?")H#R>9+?Vb>F*)G:DJ+':E +OBP !KmbP$^*8cART+fDJXTHOq'-WBl%@& H#R> N!KpP+Q7Ci"3=E+OBCI=35%5*@ ]T/nJpAF`M&(AS,LoH]g@5@q]F`CO7]f/nAO *AT D m`K@q[TDOuSUaP%'4J P, X6 P!4 ;W%[ & V$/n 8g;F*2>20mbQ,/o>`K@q[T [5 E\! ^!0U !'O q* X20. q3aD e +!#A M JOf!KpQJ5)93%5*C. D 0.q *aDI [? 7P !=AX %[ &V$/ n 8g=H $_1t/oYiLA9DBn0p4baFa] D _Ou"a DFE 1f,E % iD=P &Xcj16N ,# /p), B D/_1 QL]NZ@Ou%,i@:X:oCjD1"0 . q?e@;T s< +Bt" K ?'6 t +%P KG VEa` g( 0mA ESP$!l'Eb/ZiDf0B:Ou"aD AoDKrH \` f-E\ B' u @rH =3 P! :TQ/p),BD/_1WOq*X20.pd UDfC&dFY>C#FE1f,E%l^'%[&V$/pV#EE-mBCP$!l3I?G)'1OFJ 33/B8O4YJH@A9)U-I=%,:L b4cQ0/"qgEc5oFH]g@E0Tp$$0.qN]CiFfLOuS7XP$r\j0 .paQ E-[U20/"r"Ea`g(0n"IsOuS 7`P%H@#/pV#EE.*(r3/Cb$@4s8dAoDKrI=%,:LgQ<.0/" qgEc5oFH]g@E@?P4U0.qN]C iFfLOuS8DP$p!s/nT$C#FE1f,E%l\n0.q?e1 ,%ZCDJ*NjBOt[hP"Us&I4m6+FE0,lA oDKrP !=A X% [ &V$ /o> $=@q\)ROuS7#P$!l1H]gRUFcn_I@ZmRN )3R75 P#R T( 0/" qo@< dr" L]` fBP ! +/T30Ia6V32^Z5(/SnP')29%[&V$/hqEh D..Nr BR>n %0/" qo@$=@q\)]!.^6/;IsofF`Lu'7W3<5 Ci#7u P')p IP&Z Y%H] g"E 5(/ SnP') 29%[&V$/oWUnP')pOP')pOP'(>VEc5u/Bk )6:8/oWV030Ia,!KsF:8/oWV030Ia,"-TX>"-Pj29Th1b/o WNu0. q3"O uSV6 L] im? L]i l)P "_# p0 .pjNCi"H]30H7JP&ZXJHS7$)E&'%'P'E- LI=%- "I?I TYP" CgZ I? G )' 1G: A$ATiE`30Ia630F;u!KpQJ3.$fPP')pI P-6NQDKKH&ATDm*!LF( LNA05b?C/n&X+F*),/D..O#GV3QF@rGmlDJ,-dOuP+:DcL[h@rGmhP"Us%04o6CD,kIf@rGmhP "UT5Ou8C^06D,4DJDNEF=F5i)P$ !l?P!>*nP')29!g7\3OtqBI<.0Q&P"T)D16Qm<"Gd ,B LQZd50.q9VG*5(G!KpPDNBE=F5i)P$!lTI?FYpF^'Y)P$!'e!KpQ J99MN&5*C&:Oogeh?'6siP#Qjc!0U!2 $^+V =P!=AN!0 Tu\Otr2 FP')pOP ')29%[& V $7qHRLEb T#:6Xb (JB5_g9P1l'YP % '4J Oo^ _' Or9 EB 01 g&& FCB&sAQ3qo A M7S .@ rug 4tgk` @r#X d @<-BsH $"=N A Wf3> Ef tB gL]N Y FOpc ]$<0B4s!0U ! <3%l p; F*)G : @s!k u P')Q ^ P$!l 20 54 s[5* C /;Ot DIjP#s@j/o u /SA TEq uP!5 %O I? I0 MOq *Y" Ou P* aB l7HZ AT Md4 Ear[D9.jdn F* 2M7 A7]@ aE \B%d F`: o4 P! 5$bO uP *aBl7HZATM d4Ear[-0/"q4F*)8-FCT!I5;+ZBF*2G5EfrY8Oq*Y"OuP*mATMd4EarZZFCB96 F-90KASuR3 Eb/cmAn?!9/ou/SATEqtOu&7\02cA&Dfp)1AQ*\ZFEMYO0/"q4F*)8-FC T!I5 ;+ZBF*2G5Ef rY8Oq*Y"OuP*pDId*^P!1NP /ou/SATEquI ?G)'GV@<6O) B5M(!Bm;7ADI[TqBl7RH4tf 93FCf*'Ed 8d IF+A"mo3& *E9@r OC^3 ?W-HFD5VI+?2><3F=K`@rk 4?: J >2=B l5XJBle2E BlYd[0JFV@;bp a[3&N]J0fh $L3&_sr0eYL@3IN#44>1ep < GlM \ De*F +0/"qfDf0 W=D.PGb5CJ\)0 4o6CD,kIf @rGmhH]g@C!<82bL]W_WP&2 j */ oY `J13 IJFAS,XgP !:TQ/oYiLA9DB n0p4bLO q'Z>05b?C/n&X+F*),/D..O# GV 3 QF@ rGml DJ()&AS,X oATD@'Dfp)1AW h1_F`T -CF(8ou/MT7D3$;4"/O<<&8P($ j; a X,J+ @/b$ 8RGRU/i5. 73Ari>5u(?M?W ]*:1b CFB3&VmN;bpaY1c?t#EcsJu3B8f :B le3" 2D d$Bk ]LZ2D d<7GA1r*Dg-7S 1,(F <2glf24>1epp+0!@:X:oCjD1"0.o&*2LC5]Or9&XP !4[dOp$L>JOu"aD0mIq^H\_]c=HYk (!0TO/G^Y_bOu%H-DJ/M]"60Ha@p7P-SBBjtp20etFB+DG;%/MT"73?W$FD(R V$0Jjnd@Vm\S1GC[/GA1r*Dg-7S2Dm0B0d'tF0etFBI3:X706D,4DJ04o6CD,kIf@rGmhH]g@EJ!+5e0/"q4G^+1j5DT>gH]g@C#QKrqHS7$) 0mGU>5DB0RP&`3//hqTqE0N Z3.q8Cs8S6jHS7$)1O(g@5DB1-P&`3//hqTqE005b?C/n&X+F*),/D..O#GV3QF@rGmlDJ()&AS,XoATD@'Dfp)1AWh0h8Q /DY@L*.=f!3M&/L&d<^L &j#b@"nZgL'#AL!o/M1YD*,2L'$%_!2qP(DKTc3L'$(`!4X[8DKTc3L'$1c!o&G2a*i;j!KpQ@ !KmJ3P"CgZL]E53L`^u,EIF!@Ljt3]L&d9]P&Yo583T3jDImoB@;]LpFD5B)@ % net.anastigmatix.Packager 0.1 12 %%EndData %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%EOF